JW Marriott Cannes

Crédits : Lina Tchalabi. Translation: Jill Harry. Pictures: RR

Disco Fever

New menu, new emotions: after the Sunset theme, the hotel’s bar opts for disco balls for alchemy between heady flavours!

John Paul Young, Donna Summer, Kool and the Gang, Modjo… From the 1970’s to today, Nicholas Bartlett recalls great dancefloor classics with the help of a cocktail shaker. The Bee Gees’ More Than A Woman becomes More Than A Walnut, bourbon infused with roasted walnuts, and delicious Peychauld’s bitter and maple syrup. Between wordplays and aromatic fusions, filtering and smoking, the mixologist’s creations are matured and well-honed.

‘‘Our Groove cocktail is inspired by a Deee-Lite hit, with a heart-shaped ice-cube releasing lemongrass vapour until it melts.’’ After experience in Paris then in Nice, Nicholas Bartlett took over the hotel’s bar’s counter in March, 2023, to create exclusive proposals. The concept? ‘‘To transform each glass into a memorable visual experience, and rouse unique emotions.’’ A wow effect, as with the ‘‘Television’’ special inspired by the song of the same name by Daft Punk: a cocktail hidden in a smoking box. Innovation and creativity clearly reign here, not over the nation*, but on the sensory dancefloor!

* Television Rules The Nation (Daft Punk, 2005).

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